Main function:
Our IoT monitoring system for agricultural products is placed on the same server cluster with cloud c
omputing platform. It is an integrated frame system platform which applies the IoT, cloud computing a
nd datamining to modern agriculture through virtualization technology to reduce necessary server har
dware, network security devices and software maintenance upgrade.
1.The system platform mainly by the perception layer is responsible for data collection and processing
of the Internet of things intelligent gateway, support layer based on cloud computing services, open a
gricultural networking cloud platform, and the application layer based on rich client technology, the co
mpositionof the Internet of things monitoring system;
2.Based on the Internet of Things intelligent gateway to achieve a motion detection based on video sur
veillance, to achieve a variety of perceived data collection, processing and remote control equipment;
3.Large data processing analysis module, the use of the application of massive data generated by the I
n ternet, combined with machine learning technology, the establishment of relevant models, given suc
h as crop selection, production and cultivation management, the choice of time to market the best solu
1.the system infrastructure framework built on the public cloud vendor to provide cloud computing servi
ceson top of the design ideas, easier, faster and lower cost to achieve the development of system fun
ctions,but also to ensure that the system is running high reliability, low cost With high scalability;
2.through the agricultural production safety throughout the process of agricultural inputs supervision, ag
ricultural production management, agricultural product quality and safety testing services and data tra
nsmission, information dissemination have carried out the corresponding system design.
3.the system supports real-time video surveillance of agricultural environment, combined with environm
ental monitoring hardware equipment for environmental monitoring, real-time data transmission to the
cloud platform, combined with machine learning technology, the establishment of relevant models, giv
en such as crop selection, production and cultivation management, Such as the best program.